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elizabeth20moore Onlyfans leaked photo 18619810

PSA - free links ‌ This weekend will be the last time I share a free link for returning subs. If I share a free link in the future it will only be for new subs. I have very mixed feelings when it comes to returning subs on a free link. I am happy to see a friendly face/name. I love that you enjoy my content enough to come back. I don’t like that some people will only ever sub on a free link. I see some people sub over and over and over, exclusively on free links. This isn’t about anyone who has subbed a couple times and didn’t realize they aren’t new to my page, this isn’t about people who do a mixture of paid/free subs, this isn’t about anyone that I have sent a free link to. And this isn’t about you if you subbed for free, but bought ppv, custom, or tipped. I get asked nearly every day why I don’t charge more. For my page, ppv, and customs. I agree with the notion that I am worth more/my content is worth more, but I want it to be accessible and affordable for everyone. I will share free links to allow people to decide for themselves if the $5 sub is worth it for them. Which is why I don’t understand why some people return over and over and over ONLY on free links. You obviously enjoy my content enough to sub more than once, and most of the time I get messages and interaction from those subs. So why not support my page? Why not show the creator you enjoy and appreciate the content? It’s literally $5 a month. If my content isn’t worth the subscription price to you, you don’t need to keep coming back. I can’t express enough how disheartening it is to put so much effort into my page, to get a $40 payout. Thank you for reading to the end, if you did T Read more
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